Branding. Now there’s a word that, these days, appears to have many and varied meanings.

Designers may talk of a company ‘brand’ when referring to a logotype, symbol, or corporate image. Retailers may refer to a packet of cornflakes, a tube of toothpaste or a can of cola as a specific ‘brand’. A car manufacturer may have a perceived ‘brand’ which, for better or worse, is exemplified by its workforce as well as the performance of its product.

Think ‘cheap flights’ and you’ll conjure up imagery of jostling queues and lost luggage. With Trans-Atlantic first-class flights, the think bubble looks a lot more positive.

So if you want people to conjure up positive images, then you need to create the right context.

That’s where we come in.

We start with defining a ‘brand’ as something that reflects the ethos and integrity of a company, its people, products and services. We’ve shared companies’ aspirations, their sense of purpose, their desire to succeed.

And we’ve observed that behind every company, event or product, ambitious people drive and control commercial objectives. By doing this, they mould and create corporate personality and evoke brand values.

Whilst there is no set formula to our approach to conceiving and communicating a client’s brand values, we believe that in order to do so we need to be wearing various hats: our creative hat involves visually portraying these characteristics as a public face; our marketing hat explores mediums that will best promote brand values; and our digital hat utilises the very latest web and mobile technology creating content and conversation through social media channels.

But we can only communicate these brand values by analysing the company or product in relation to marketing objectives and projected audience. Only then can we determine the communication requirements and conceive an arresting visual and finite solution.

Our case studies on this website, document and illustrate different approaches, from conceiving creative visual identity solutions to planning and strategically implementing digital content.

Or to put it another way, creating positive think bubbles.


We are a small but energetic team and we love what we do. We have worked in a variety of markets within the business-to-business, business-to-consumer and the public sectors.

We understand, and love the fact, that every project is different, however we have one simple belief which is to approach every project in exactly the same thorough and professional way, no matter how large or small.

We work hard to really understand your business and your online needs by investing the time to get to the very core of your brief. We believe that only by doing this can we then create the end result you would expect us to deliver.

So meet the team below!

Yellow Hats Creative Director Hugh Adams
Hugh Adams

Creative Director

Yellow Hats Digital Director Frank Barron
Frank Barron

Digital Director


Social Media


Public Relations






Office Mutt x



Main Number 07902 408434

London Office

Admin Office Address:
128 Trevelyan Road
SW17 9LW

See Also

You can also review our works on Twitter and Pinterest.